Urgent Building Issue

If there is an urgent issue at a Cummings building, please see the relevant contact numbers below.

Life safety emergency (e.g., fire, medical emergency, burglary)

Call 911 and then notify your account manager (or, if after hours, call 978-524-7600).

Historic Montvale Avenue

Facility emergency (e.g., water leaks)

Call 978-524-7600 (staffed 24/7), and then notify your account manager.

Historic New Horizons at Choate

Suspected gas leak

Call your utility provider (see below) and then notify your account manager (or, if after hours, call 978-524-7600).

  • National Grid (800-231-5325) for Beverly, Burlington, Medford, Stoneham, Sudbury, Wakefield, Wilmington, Woburn
  • Eversource (800-525-8222) for Andover
  • Eversource (800-592-2000) for Marlborough
Community Newspapers, Inc.

Power outage

Call your utility provider (see below), and then notify Cummings at 978-524-7600 (staffed 24/7). For updates and estimated repair times, visit your utility provider’s outage webpage (see below).

New Horizons at Marlborough Aerial